What do you want with your organization?
Promoting, strengthening, advertising, realizing eco-construction(s) in general and straw bale building(s) in particular.
Why do you want it?
It’s our favourite way of actually doing something about the world’s crazy: It is sustainable and ecological, a socially fair and empowering bottom-up approach, a convincing answer to the threat caused by the climate crisis, a real help for people in need for housing, a low-tech and analogue and yet modern way to build with as much independence as possible. It’s about downspeeding and sharing: knowledge, skills, experience. And it’s about the things that really matter: friendship, love, gratitude.
How do you try to reach your goal?
By teaching, training, informing, networking and of course actually building houses. The ASBN is a central networking hub since 1998, took part in several EU-funded projects, lectured almost 1.000 persons so far in sbb workshops, co-developed the ECVET-certified sbb education STEP, realized or co-realized dozens of buildings and is constantly disseminating through its website, books, handbooks, and lectures.
What is your superpower?
A pure passion-driven mixture of knowledge, experience and imagination
Email: asbn@baubiologie.at
Web: www.baubiologie.at
Web: www.strohnatur.at (EN/DE)
Phone: +43 2958 83 640 / +43 650 22 16 812
Skype: asbn01
Address: Baierdorf 6, 3720 Ravelsbach
Österreich (Austria)