Tower construction
Category - Teambuilding/Cooperation
Sweety Bag
Sweety Bag_En to explore power/ privilege/ powerlessness and competition/ co-operation at personal...
Guess the cards assigned to your team thanks to the apt hints of your spy. Language and memory...
Rope Game
Rope Game A short game to strengthen collaboration and self-organisation. If you lack the ropes you...
Mine Field
Mine field (group dynamic) Teams try to find their way through a mine field maze.
Magic Carpet / Tarp Flip
Short and fun physical exercise that requires cooperation. Number of People: 5–15 Time: 0.25 hrs...
Gordian Knot
The Gordian knot is a coordination/group dynamics game for established groups of about 6 to 20...
Building Bridges
Building something together starts with organisation of the group. Number of People: any Time:...
Arrange the Chairs
When a task is impossible to be done by the rules, the solution lies in cooperation – and changing...
Acid River
Versatile group dynamic game for larger groups for advanced teambuilding: Cross an “acid...